Turn Tears into Smiles using Picture This... software

Simple Solutions to Common Autism Problems

Using our Picture This... flashcard software, you can easily create simple visual solutions to many of the basic problems faced by autistic and special needs individuals. Many of the typical problems and solutions are discussed below.

Tantrums / Disruptive Behaviors

If you live or work with an autistic individual, you certainly are aware that people on the autistic spectrum are professional tantrumers - capable of turning heads in busy shopping malls or being heard far down the school hall.

One of the keys to stopping tantrums and disruptive behavior is identifying the following:
  1. What caused the tantrum or behavior? (Antecedent)
  2. What behavior occurred?
  3. What was the consequence of the behavior?
  4. What was the duration of the behavior?
An easy way to remember this is A B C D (Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence and Duration).

Here are some common causes of tantrums or disruptive behavior:

Possible solutions to extinguishing tantrums / inappropriate behaviors

Using Behavioral Photos to Model Appropriate Behaviors

Because autistic individuals are visual learners and have a difficult time processing spoken language, they may not understand when you say "don't yell". First of all, they often do not understand negatives like "don't", "not" and "no". When you say "don't yell", they hear "yell" and are more than happy to do that. To help show them what they should and should not do, we suggest that you print some behavioral rules photos. Print only the negative behaviors that they already do. They don't need to pick up any more bad habits! Make sure to keep the photos with you when you go out in public, and also post them in the appropriate spots around the house. For example, if your child always yells while watching TV, try putting a "no yelling" photo next to the TV. You will probably also want to put a "no rewinding" photo next to the VCR also!


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